
Two New Life Members Announced at Diving WA AGM

Published Tue 24 Oct 2017

The 2017 Western Australian Diving Association Inc (Diving WA) Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on Saturday 21st October at HBF Stadium, Mount Claremont. During the meeting two Diving WA members were honoured with Life Membership of the Association, Lorraine Keeney and Michael Tinley.


Lorraine has actively served the Associations as a parent, supporter and volunteer for over 10 years. She is the current Events Coordinator for Diving WA and has done this in a voluntary capacity for many years, and has always gone above and beyond what is expected of the role, continuing to make an outstanding contribution to the ongoing development of volunteers for Diving WA. Lorraine has also devoted her time and ongoing contribution as a volunteer nationally for diving, and is a valued member of the national diving fabric.

Michael Tinley has been involved with Diving WA for many years now as a competitive diver, judge and coach. Mike has represented both his state and country as a competitive diver, and was also awarded a scholarship to the AIS program. Following his days as an athlete, Mike returned to WA as a club coach. Mike took over the Arrows Diving Academy with an external support manager and brought much needed experience to the pool at a time when coaches were limited in WA. He has taken many Age athletes to National competitions and can be proud of the many achievements his athletes have reached along the way. Mike also makes his time available as a judge during competitions, juggling his judging and coaching commitments. Mike is a valued member of the WA diving community and has shown resilience and determination through the recent association reform, remaining committed to providing his experience as a coach and judge.

Both Lorraine and Michael will be formally recognised at the 2017 Diving WA Annual Awards at the Hotel Rendezvous Perth Scarborough on Sunday 19th November.

The Diving WA AGM also saw Melanie McCoy re-elected unopposed to the Board for a further three years. Under the recent changes to the Diving WA Constitution, an additional Elected Position was also put out for nominations and Fiona Galvin was elected unopposed. Fiona brings some great experiences having worked with not-for-profit and community boards previously, and is also a qualified Accountant. We look forward to Fiona’s involvement over the coming three years.
