
Refurbishment of Diving WA Dryland

Published Tue 21 Feb 2017

Diving WA is pleased to announce that the Dryland Training Area at HBF Stadium will be undergoing a refurbishment, thanks to assistance from VenuesWest and the appointed contractor Task WA.

The refurbishment will focus on the structural elements of the dryland area, including a new concrete pad, gym matting, insulated walls, acrylic sheeting and evaporative coolers.

Diving WA CEO Steven Rose said that, “this has been a long time coming for diving and we are thankful for the financial support from VenuesWest for this necessary refurbishment to take place. We also appreciate the lead in work of the appointed contractor Task WA who are ensuring this area becomes as workable as possible for the sport.”

“The area has been difficult to use in the heat of summer and following rain in the winter, so for this to become water tight and have cooling was a major priority for the association. The dryland area is an important part of our athletes every day training environment and this refurbishment will go a long way to assist them achieve necessary skills, and ultimately their ongoing development and success in the sport.”

CEO David Etherton said VenuesWest was happy that the refurbishment of the dryland training area adjacent to the Dive Pool at HBF Stadium was underway.

“VenuesWest is committed to facilitating participation and elite sport through our venues, so I am delighted that VenuesWest is able to improve the existing facilities allowing Diving WA to continue their ongoing development and success in the sport.”

The dryland refurbishment will begin on Monday 20th March 2017, with works to take approximately 8 weeks to complete. The area will be closed and off limits during this period and Diving WA is working on options for dry training, to ensure the programs experience as little impact as possible.

For further information please contact Diving WA on (08) 6424 9090.
