
Pacific School Games - Day 3 update - BRONZE FOR REYNOLDS

Published Wed 25 Nov 2015

Pacific School Games - updates from WA Team coach Mike Tinley- Day 3

Day 3 of competition saw 6 of our divers competing.

The outstanding performance of the day was Jack Reynolds in the 3m winning bronze. He started off strong and finished well. We are very excited to have a medal in the diving and from one of our youngest.

Other performances were.

Sally Cream in 15-16 years Platform came 9th with a consistent effort.

Sophie Debenham 15-16 year Platform came 11th showing promise after only having started platform in May.

Sam Tulk in the 12 years 1m came 5th in a strong field.

Olivia Keet had a difficult day on 3m but showed resilience coming back after a disappointing start with some nice dives. 

Sophie Vassileff came 10th in the 11 years 1m doing some great dives impressing the judges.

The divers are tired and Im hoping they get an early night and a good nights sleep.


Mike Tinley
