
Olympians and Paralympians tour regional WA

Published Wed 02 Nov 2016

Original Story: DSR

Olympic fever hits the Goldfields today as the Champions 2 Country tour arrives in the region.

Sport and Recreation Minister Mia Davies said as part of the regional tour, six Western Australian Paralympic and Olympic athletes from the Rio games would take part in a series of community visits.

"The Champions 2 Country tour is a chance for regional communities to be inspired by a very special group of athletes," Ms Davies said.

"These athletes are ambassadors and role models and I am sure they will be warmly welcomed everywhere they visit.  This tour is about inspiring young people to overcome adversity and build resilience, to dream and make those dreams come true and be motivated to work hard to get there."

Athletes participating are Paralympians Brad Ness (wheelchair basketball), Adam Deans (wheelchair basketball) and Brad Scott (athletics) and Olympians Ryan Bailie (triathlon), Zoe Arancini (water polo) and Maddison Keeney (diving).

"We know sport can be a great boost to self-esteem, help you make new friends and do better at school and these Olympians and Paralympians will share their experiences during their visits," the Minister said.

The athletes will visit nine regional towns—Laverton, Leonora, Kalgoorlie, Menzies, Kambalda, Coolgardie, Norseman, Salmon Gums, Esperance—during the four-day tour, including visits to 25 schools and more than nine sporting and community events.

One of the main objectives of Champions 2 Country is to provide inspiration on issues including healthy lifestyle, leadership, team work, respect, motivation to achieve goals, and to share their sporting experiences.

The tour is a partnership between the Department of Sport and Recreation, the Western Australian Olympic Council Inc and the Australian Commonwealth Games Association (WA Division).
