
Golden double for diving doctor

Published Mon 14 Nov 2016

Original Story: Angela Bacic - Jupiters Pan Pacific Masters Games

FINA World Masters three-time champion, Eliza Cole, 30, made a splash in the diving competition today at the Gold Coast Aquatic Centre winning gold medals in the 3m springboard and platform events.

The Western Australian diver took time out of her busy schedule as a GP in a Perth practice to compete in her second Jupiters Pan Pacific Master Games (JPPMG).

In the 2014, she came away with three silver medals and gold in her pet event, the platform.

She has been diving since she was 12 and started competing at the age of 16, but has only recently returned to the pool.

"I did it because it was a school sport," Eliza said.

"I like the challenge. I like setting challenges and working towards goals.

"There is a pretty big adrenaline rush when you are diving well or do a good dive."

But Eliza revealed masters’ diving has not been easy for her.

"As a masters diver maintaining fitness is challenging and being able to keep up with the difficulty of dives."

Eliza also coaches masters and teens at the Diving WA headquarters.

She wants to build up a masters program in WA for former divers or those who want to give it go because they have an interest in the sport.

“I want to boost up our masters competition so we can bring more people to events like this," Eliza said.

"It was one of the most enjoyable competitions we've been to as a team because we bonded a lot.”

This year Diving WA is being represented by two competitors but Eliza hopes that will change for the games in 2018.

"I just hope everyone will come. I will come back with a big team next time now I've got my program going on in WA."

The 10th biennial Jupiters Pan Pacific Masters Games is being held 5 – 13 November 2016 on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia.

The event showcases competition in 43 sports and is hosting 13,000 participants from Queensland, interstate and overseas.

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