
Casual Vacancy - Elected Director - Diving WA 

Published Mon 11 Jun 2018

The Board is calling for nominations for an Elected Director (Casual Vacancy), following the resignation from the Board of Kevin Knapp.

Kevin was a valuable Board member who was generous with his time and knowledge, and the Board would like to recognise and thank Kevin for his contribution.

Nomination Criteria for Elected Director – Casual Vacancy

The Western Australian Diving Association Inc. calls for nominations for one (1) Elected Director position (casual vacancy) on the Diving WA Board. The position of Diving WA Board Directors is non-remunerated and this appointment will be for 1 and a half (1.5) years.

Role of the Diving WA Board Director:

Directors are required to act in the best interests of the sport, in accordance with the objects of the Association and within the guidelines of the governance structure in place. Directors will be required to declare personal conflicts of interest and are expected to contribute to the growth of the Association. The board has a legal and moral responsibility to manage their organisation in the best interests of the community it serves. Board members should demonstrate professional ethical behaviour at all times – in their responsibilities to the organisation, in their professional relationships with each other, and in their professional service to the community.

Nomination Criteria:

Nominees seeking election to the position of Elected Director shall be over the age of 18 years, current Financial Members of the Association, fit the qualifications for Elected Directors as outlined in section 22.1 of the Western Australian Diving Association Inc. Constitution and should have experience in some or all of the following areas:

  • Proven successful business or professional experience;
  • A background in diving is preferred (not essential);
  • Expertise in the areas of event management, governance, sponsorship, marketing, finance, human resources and/or planning;
  • Must have the ability to table monthly reports as directed by the Diving WA Chairperson in their area of expertise and responsibility, and provide support for specific areas of operations as designated by the Board;
  • Should have a wide community and business network, which can be utilisedfor the benefit of Diving WA; and
  • Must be able to attend regular meetings and contribute on a strategic level to Board function without allowing personal interest to interfere with the operational function of the organisation.

Nominations for the vacancy must be received by the Diving WA Chief Executive Officer by 5pm, Tuesday 19th June 2018. For more information, please call (08) 6424 9090.

