
2022 Elected Director & Committee members

Published Fri 21 Oct 2022

Following today's 2022 Diving WA Annual General Meeting and in accordance with Rule 22, HEATHER McGREGOR-BAYNE is duly elected as a Diving WA Elected Director to the Board of Diving WA, under a 3-year term, as of today (21/10/2022).

Heather is an experienced Sport Psychologist, Facilitator, and Executive Coach, with a passion for and a comprehensive understanding of how to get athletes and individuals to maximize their potential.  Her sports experience includes working at WAIS for 2 Olympic cycles (Athens and Beijing) consulting for the South and MId-west academies of sport, and the Inaugural WBBL Perth Women's Scorchers team.

Heather has said "I am keen to add value to a sport from which I have benefited greatly in the past and which holds a spot close to my heart.  My goal is to support WA Diving by contributing to athletes having a positive and rewarding experience."

We also welcome Karen Williams (based in Canberra) to the Diving WA Governance & Risk Committee and Jeanne Tan to the Diving WA Finance & Audit Committee.  Both independent appointments bring a wealth of knowledge in their fields of expertise.

We thank all x3 new appointments for their time and commitment to support Diving WA. 






