
2017 Levels Competition

Published Mon 11 Dec 2017

2017 Levels Competition

Diving WA introduced the Levels Competitions for the first time in 2017 with some fantastic diving seen. Here are some of the stats and records set from this years events:

Levels 2017
4 Competitions – 120 Events
94 individual divers took part
484 Events entries
232 Level Scores Achieved
2167 Dives Competed

Levels Records

  1m Springboard
Level 1 Summer Marshall & 60.5
Ruby Rose Johnstone
Level 2 Ruby Rose Johnstone 64.1
Level 3 Sharon Min Oo 93.3
Level 4 Harrison Min Oo 140.05
Level 5 Ellyarn Granland 185.6
Level 6 Melanie McCoy 205.4
Level 7 Sam Tulk 251.95
Level 8 Jemima Officer 275.85
Level 9 Chelsea Bosch 324.45
Level 10 Zoe Langtry 387.1


  3m Springboard
Level 1 Isabella Love 63.5
Level 2 Summer Marshall 69.8
Level 3 Brooke Carter 95.5
Level 4 Ellyarn Granland 127.4
Level 5 Ellyarn Granland 176.75
Level 6 Georgia Williams 198.1
Level 7 Sam Tulk 270.35
Level 8 Hayley Galvin 296.15
Level 9 Hayley Galvin 345.5
Level 10 Chelsea Bosch 409.85


Level 1 Ellyarn Granland 66
Level 2 Ellyarn Granland 72.75
Level 3 Makisha Smith 99.65
Level 4 Melanie McCoy 135.3
Level 5 Melanie McCoy 168.75
Level 6 Ben Ward 203.6
Level 7 Jemima Officer 237.35
Level 8 Zoe Langtry 328.95
Level 9 Sophie Ross 355.75
Level 10 Zoe Langtry 394.55

Overall Levels Winner: Georgia Williams 52 points (passing 10 out of the possible 12 levels attempted)

Runner-Up: Jemima Officer 50 points

Congratulations to everyone who took part and was involved with this inaugural event. We look forward to this continuing into 2018.