Go for 2 & 5: FUN Splash!

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

FUN Splash - 

Have the Diving WA Team recently visited your school and you recieved a Come 'n' Try invite?

Have you told your friends about the awesome time you have at your Learn to Dive and sqaud sessions? 

Do they ask you what it is like?  

Do you know someone that has been wanting to try diving?   

Are your siblings always pestering to join in when it is your class? 

Do you know someone that is wanting to try a new sport during the chilly winter months?

Register here for a fun session, 

and have a go at DIVING  !!


Suitable for ages 6 yrs plus and participants must be able to swim unaided + confidently in deep water

Register to join in all the fun at the

DWA FUN Splash- Come 'n' Try day

on Saturday, 16th November 2024, 

at the HBF Stadium, Mt Claremont

2:30pm - 3:30pm 

Spots are limited so get in early to ensure you don't miss out!

HBF Stadium entry fee is required independently on arrival.

The Dryland and Pool session are a great way to introduce Diving in a safe and controlled Come 'n' Try format class 


A separate registration and memebrship regsistration will need to be completed for each individual participant