Diving WA Age Pathway Squads

Diving WA (DWA) squads are the next step in the diving pathway for athletes who have progressed from the DWA Go for 2 & 5 Learn 2 Dive programs or are coming to diving with some transferable skills from another sport. 

DWA squads train across the entire week, from 1 - 5 sessions per week, depending on the squad level and age of the athlete. There are various options to choose from with early morning, evening, and weekend sessions included in the term-based timetable.  Additional sessions are offered in the holiday periods.  All sessions include training in the Bruce Prance Dryland Diving Centre and the pool - this enables divers to develop the skills required for the more complex dives they will begin to learn. 

There are a variety of (optional) competitions that athletes can compete in at Western Australia State level and National level if the relevant qualifying score is met.

For those aged 15 yrs. plus we offer the drop in Adults & Teen classes which allow flexibility rather than a full-term commitment.  Further details and how to book can be found HERE  

DWA Masters squad if for athletes wishing to train towards a competititon list.

Squad registrations are made termly with training times, prices and regsitrations found HERE

Athletes can be invited from the DWA Squads into the WA State Talent Pathway.  The State Talent Pathway runs in collaberation with WAIS, with the training perfecting the core fundamental skills that our coaches look for in potential future DWA competitive athletes in the Diving Australia Elite Junior Championships and National Pathway development.  Inclusion in and out of the State Talent Squad training sessions is fluid and adpatable to the indivuduals development throughout their diving pathway.  Further details can be found HERE



2025 Term 1 Timetable: